Review of Tarizon Supreme Mandate
Post by SuCha » 19 Aug 2023, 11:46 -Online Book Club
In "Tarizon: Supreme Mandate" by William Manchee, readers are whisked away on an exhilarating journey to a distant world filled with political intrigue, alien civilizations, and unexpected twists. As a sci-fi enthusiast, I found this book to be a gripping addition to the genre, offering a unique blend of intricate world-building and engaging characters. Manchee's storytelling prowess shines as he paints a vivid picture of the planet Tarizon, a complex realm teetering on the brink of turmoil. The meticulous attention to detail in describing the landscapes, societies, and technology of this foreign world is truly commendable. I was captivated by the author's ability to make Tarizon come alive, immersing me in its diverse cultures and political struggles. The characters in "Supreme Mandate" are multifaceted and relatable, each grappling with their own motivations and moral dilemmas. The protagonist's journey from uncertainty to leadership resonated with me, as did the relationships he cultivated along the way. The intricate web of alliances and betrayals kept me hooked, eagerly turning pages to uncover the next twist in the narrative. However, while the book is undoubtedly engaging, there were moments when the pacing seemed to lag. Some sections could have been trimmed down to maintain the overall momentum of the story. Additionally, a few character decisions felt slightly forced, requiring a suspension of disbelief that momentarily pulled me out of the otherwise immersive experience. In terms of themes, "Supreme Mandate" tackles power dynamics, cultural clashes, and the consequences of unchecked authority. These thought-provoking themes added depth to the narrative, encouraging me to reflect on their real-world parallels. In conclusion, "Tarizon: Supreme Mandate" offers an enthralling escape into a meticulously crafted sci-fi universe. With its intricate world-building, complex characters, and engaging themes, the book is a must-read for fans of the genre. While minor pacing issues and occasional character decisions prevent me from awarding a perfect rating, the book's strengths far outweigh its weaknesses. I give it a solid four out of five stars, eagerly looking forward to exploring more of Manchee's imaginative universe in future installments. Rating: ★★★★☆ (4/5)
William Manchee's Tarizon: Supreme Mandate is science fiction about a young boy on the fictional planet Tarizon. At his adolescent age, Sandee receives an epiphany that he has to bring peace to his planet. This is ruined by constant wars dating back 100 years. The world is habitable, but projections indicate dire outcomes for the future. Sandee Brahn, along with a pack of rhutz, strives to achieve success to make his dream and the dream of Pelgrem happen. Will Sandee’s plan be a success before the future of Tarizon's civilians is doomed?

I enjoyed reading this book. The chapters are short and focus on the context they begin with until the end. This gave me the impression that the book was fast-paced, with more thrilling moments and action. The first incident between Sarna and Markis on earth caught me off guard. Such a technique made me keep turning page after page. Chapter titles are captivating as they convey the setting of the chapter. I anticipated some chapters with excitement. "Inspection, Vaceen, Tributon, 9 BU" got my attention. I wondered, "Who will be inspected?" Will they be caught?"

Furthermore, the characters are distinct and well developed. As a result, one can visualize the events of the story. This is revealed by political talks, which use jargon typical of real politics. The opposition, with independent candidates conducting negotiations in secrecy, cruel politicians portraying decency in public, and many other acts pertaining to politics and democracy. The book is also thought-provoking, with examples of incredible technology that could change human lives. How could I forget the author's creativity? It incorporates its dialect, which is taught in a fascinating way throughout the book.

In conclusion, I rate the book 5 out of 5 stars. It is flawlessly edited, and I encountered no grammar mistakes. Although not based on the earth, it advocates for freedom of speech and democracy and raises awareness about how profiteers stir up wars and sit back and enjoy the fruits of their seeds. There was nothing to dislike about the book, and its ending is satisfying. I recommend it to fiction and political fans. Fans of C/T/H/M will also enjoy this book.Review of Tarizon: Supreme Mandate 

Review of Tarizon: Supreme Mandate 


Post by Seqhatsi Shata » 18 Jul 2023, 15:35 

Review of Tarizon: Supreme Mandate 

Post by Seqhatsi Shata » 18 Jul 2023, 15:35 

William Manchee's Tarizon: Supreme Mandate is science fiction about a young boy on the fictional planet Tarizon. At his adolescent age, Sandee receives an epiphany that he has to bring peace to his planet. This is ruined by constant wars dating back 100 years. The world is habitable, but projections indicate dire outcomes for the future. Sandee Brahn, along with a pack of rhutz, strives to achieve success to make his dream and the dream of Pelgrem happen. Will Sandee’s plan be a success before the future of Tarizon's civilians is doomed?

I enjoyed reading this book. The chapters are short and focus on the context they begin with until the end. This gave me the impression that the book was fast-paced, with more thrilling moments and action. The first incident between Sarna and Markis on earth caught me off guard. Such a technique made me keep turning page after page. Chapter titles are captivating as they convey the setting of the chapter. I anticipated some chapters with excitement. "Inspection, Vaceen, Tributon, 9 BU" got my attention. I wondered, "Who will be inspected?" Will they be caught?"

Furthermore, the characters are distinct and well developed. As a result, one can visualize the events of the story. This is revealed by political talks, which use jargon typical of real politics. The opposition, with independent candidates conducting negotiations in secrecy, cruel politicians portraying decency in public, and many other acts pertaining to politics and democracy. The book is also thought-provoking, with examples of incredible technology that could change human lives. How could I forget the author's creativity? It incorporates its dialect, which is taught in a fascinating way throughout the book.

In conclusion, I rate the book 5 out of 5 stars. It is flawlessly edited, and I encountered no grammar mistakes. Although not based on the earth, it advocates for freedom of speech and democracy and raises awareness about how profiteers stir up wars and sit back and enjoy the fruits of their seeds. There was nothing to dislike about the book, and its ending is satisfying. I recommend it to fiction and political fans. Fans of C/T/H/M will also enjoy this book.

BookLife (a Publisher's Weekly affiliate) March 13, 2023

Manchee’s Stan Turner legal thriller series continues, with the Texas-based law firm of Turner & Waters facing a difficult personal injury case and a complex trustee assignment that turns out to have an unfortunate connection with a Mexican cartel. The PI case proves especially twisty: the client, Amanda, may have caused a fatal car accident, but only after being forced to work an exhausting double shift. But even more troubling is the smuggling cartel that wants the money Turner now controls as trustee—forcing him to go undercover to save the lives of everyone he cares for.

Manchee, an attorney himself, has a wonderful gift for describing the minutiae of practice in a small law firm, and he makes it riveting when, for example, the lawyers carefully go over Amanda's civil and criminal cases, describing the practical and legal implications. Detailed scenes like this ground the book and make it very real, showing law is more than stirring courtroom speeches. Equally good are the specifics of Stan's undercover operations, with enough tradecraft descriptions to keep any spy thriller aficionado happy. Sometimes, with these two convoluted plotlines, readers will have to work to keep track of all the players and double-crosses, but the story does move along at a nice clip.

Although the focus is heavily on plot, Manchee does work in some personal relationships that lend welcome warmth to the dual legal proceedings. Especially strong is Stan's unusual partnership with Rosa, an unwilling ally of the cartel, purportedly being used to spy on Stan. What starts as a convenience for their mutual safety turns into something more, giving an emotional heft to the story. Manchee also does a good job with Amanda, neatly describing the plight of the working poor and lending her a lot of sympathy. Fortunately, Manchee brings the multiple plots and large cast to a satisfying conclusion.

Takeaway: Attorneys battle for a poor victim—and against a cartel—in this fast-moving legal thriller.

Great for fans of: Scott Turow, Scott Pratt.

Production grades
Cover: B+
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A

Print Date: 03/13/2023

BOOK REVIEW - Kirkus Reviews  - November 28, 2018 

"A Texas attorney defends a 16-year-old cheerleader accused of patricide.

This 12th installment of Manchee’s (Deadly Dining, 2014, etc.) mystery series boomerangs to near the beginning of Stan Turner’s legal career in the early 1980s, when he worked as a solo litigator. Stan goes to court for a restraining order that Marjorie Monroe filed to keep her alcoholic husband, Frank, a successful real estate developer, away from their adoptive teenage daughter, Melody. Frank allegedly injured the girl during a fight he was having with Marjorie, who wants to leave him. Before divorce papers can be served to Frank, he ends up dead in his garage, but not from carbon monoxide, as was first assumed. Someone switched Frank’s blood thinner medication, which resulted in his death. Arrows point to Melody, the heir to Frank’s fortune. Marjorie also had motive and opportunity, as did Frank’s sister, Natalie, who barely tolerated him and with whom he shared a multimillion-dollar trust. Frank also recently screwed over the head of a rival building company. After Melody is charged with the killing, Stan agrees to represent her, despite his limited experience defending murder suspects. This thriller succeeds far better than the previous book in the series, in large part due to the concentration on a single case—although not a singular murder. The author’s experience as an attorney helps make the trial scenes both realistic and tense. But too much of the tale takes place in a courtroom; more action away from the legal proceedings would have been welcome in this disturbing story about a troubled family. And at over 400 pages, the book could have benefited from some streamlining. Many characters range from unlikable to unconscionable, but in Manchee’s Texas, women are universally attractive, which suits Stan, who is a bit of a horndog. He muses about a fellow attorney: “She was a very attractive woman and there was dangerous chemistry between us. If I hadn’t been married, we’d have been lovers.”

Readers’ blood may run cold while enjoying this taut murder mystery."

Review of Deadly Defiance - July 3, 2011


William Manchee, who is a Texas attorney in real life, is quite familiar with the drama that can emanate from practicing law. In his latest yarn Manchee focuses on three different cases that his cast of attorneys must confront. And for those of you who are not familiar with Manchee's previous novels, his legal minds include Stan Turner, his partner, Paula Waters and their junior associate, Jodie Marshall.


As the novel unfolds, Walters takes on a case involving a woman, Maureen Thompson whose husband left her high and dry with children to support. The IRS is after her husband and as they filed joint tax returns, the wife is on the hook for her husband's IRS debt to the tune of one hundred thousand dollars. However, this is not the only mess she is in, her husband has just been murdered and Thompson has been accused of killing him with an ice pick. Coincidentally, she lost her first husband in a similar manner, however, and although she was likewise accused of the crime, she escaped conviction. Nonetheless, she has been pinned with the name of “the ice pick murderer.”


The second case involves a Hispanic woman, Pandora Alvarez whose husband recently died at the age of fifty-three under very strange circumstances. Pandora believes he didn't die of natural causes but rather was murdered. He was in perfect health, he didn't drink, smoke or take drugs. The medical examiner ruled it was a drug overdose. As we are to learn, Alvarez worked for some very unsavory characters that were part of a drug cartel. Apparently, he recently reported his boss, Icaro Melendez to the Department of Labor alleging that his company, Alliance Fabrications had failed to pay overtime and employed underage children. Melendez didn't exactly welcome the accusations and threatened Alvarez for his disloyalty.


In the third case, Turner is appointed by the court as attorney ad litem on a matter of probate. Herbert J. Wolf had died in a plane crash and was survived by his wife, Glenda, but supposedly without children. It seems that the decedent did not die immediately after the crash and while he was clinging to life in the hospital, he informed several nurses and the attending physician that he had a son Mitch. He wanted them to find Mitch and bring him to him, so he could meet him before he died. The problem, however, was that none of Wolf's family, which included his wife and siblings, never heard of Mitch. Nonetheless, Wolf's doctor felt obliged to inform the probate court of the possibility of an unknown heir. As a result, and as it is standard procedure to appoint an attorney ad litem for the unknown heirs of an estate during the probate process, Turner was given the task.


Manchee is a very capable story teller and is able to effectively maintain our interest throughout with his crisp no-frills style devoid of complex legal jargon. In addition, with his strong and controlled chee is at it again with his tenth legal thriller, Deadly Defiance: A Stan Turner Mystery. No doubt, Manchee, who is a Texas attorney in real life, is quite familiar with the drama that can emanate from practicing law. In his latest yarn Manchee focuses on three different cases that his cast of attorneys must confront. And for those of you who are not familiar with Manchee's previous novels, his legal minds include Stan Turner, his partner, Paula Waters and their junior associate, Jodie Marshall.


As the novel unfolds, Walters takes on a case involving a woman, Maureen Thompson whose husband left her high and dry with children to support. The IRS is after her husband and as they filed joint tax returns, the wife is on the hook for her husband's IRS debt to the tune of one hundred thousand dollars. However, this is not the only mess she is in, her husband has just been murdered and Thompson has been accused of killing him with an ice pick. Coincidentally, she lost her first husband in a similar manner, however, and although she was likewise accused of the crime, she escaped conviction. Nonetheless, she has been pinned with the name of “the ice pick murderer.”


The second case involves a Hispanic woman, Pandora Alvarez whose husband recently died at the age of fifty-three under very strange circumstances. Pandora believes he didn't die of natural causes but rather was murdered. He was in perfect health, he didn't drink, smoke or take drugs. The medical examiner ruled it was a drug overdose. As we are to learn, Alvarez worked for some very unsavory characters that were part of a drug cartel. Apparently, he recently reported his boss, Icaro Melendez to the Department of Labor alleging that his company, Alliance Fabrications had failed to pay overtime and employed underage children. Melendez didn't exactly welcome the accusations and threatened Alvarez for his disloyalty.


In the third case, Turner is appointed by the court as attorney ad litem on a matter of probate. Herbert J. Wolf had died in a plane crash and was survived by his wife, Glenda, but supposedly without children. It seems that the decedent did not die immediately after the crash and while he was clinging to life in the hospital, he informed several nurses and the attending physician that he had a son Mitch. He wanted them to find Mitch and bring him to him, so he could meet him before he died. The problem, however, was that none of Wolf's family, which included his wife and siblings, never heard of Mitch. Nonetheless, Wolf's doctor felt obliged to inform the probate court of the possibility of an unknown heir. As a result, and as it is standard procedure to appoint an attorney ad litem for the unknown heirs of an estate during the probate process, Turner was given the task.


Manchee is a very capable storyteller and is able to effectively maintain our interest throughout with his crisp no-frills style devoid of complex legal jargon. In addition, with his strong and controlled writing, he carries his three plots along with just the right amount of believability concerning witnesses, clues, and evidence. ...
Norman Goldman, Bookpleasures.com 

Click Here To Purchase Deadly Defiance: A Stan Turner Mystery

MyShelf.Com - August 2, 2009 - Janie Franz - Tarizon: Civil War

In William Manchee's second installment in the Tarizon trilogy, Leek Lanzia, the Earth teenager many Tarizonians believe is the Liberator, finds himself leading the ragtag remnants of the Loyalist army. Still reeling from his mate's kidnapping by the TGA, the army of the corrupt world government, Leek manages to enlist the aid of all of the downtrodden peoples on Tarizon. His army consists not only of Tarizon and humans, it includes mutants, seafolken, and the minute nanomites. As these forces bring their skills and unique gifts to the battle, Leek and the Loyalists begin to realize that he is indeed the fulfillment of prophecy.

Once again, William Manchee has crafted a grand science-fiction adventure in the tradition of Robert Heinlein and many of the early sci-fi masters. There is romance, plenty of air battles, and lots of intrigues. And, most interesting to me, Manchee crafts many new alien species with unique abilities.Tarizon: Civil War is an exciting page turner and one that will surely please any science-fiction buff. I can't wait for the next installment.

Publishers Weekly, July 7, 2009 - Tarizon: Civil War 

Tarizon: Civil War "...continues the exploits of Leek Lanzia, an Earth-born teenager exiled to the planet Tarizon. Hailed as Tarizon's savior as per an old prophecy, Lanzia leads the mutant Loyalists and their allies in a vicious war against the hovertanks of the Tarizon Global Army...."

Lone Star Library, by Michael H. Price, Tarizon: The Liberator

A stirring tale of disaster and human resourcefulness, William Manchee's Tarizon: The Liberator draws upon a centuried tradition of science fiction as a vessel for Big Ideas and bold speculation. The Dallas-based author achieves an original voice in the process of channeling such (evident) influences from the last two centuries as Jules Verne, Aldous Huxley, H.G. Wells, Edgar Rice Burroughs and Fritz Leiber...

Alternative Worlds, by Harriet Klausner, July 8, 2009 - Tarizon: Civil War

Tarizon: Civil War "...continues the unlikely but entertaining and satirical adventures of the exiled Leek (Lanzia) on Tarizon. He now leads a growing force of mutants and other species in a civil war, but still has issues with raging hormones...that call for a timeout so he can rescue his girlfriend. Once again the underlying message of this fun young adult military science fiction remains at a minimum tolerance for all while the preferable choice would be the consensus."

America Jr.-Tarizon: The Liberator by Steve Anderson

... Tarizon: The Liberator is a blistering read (I really can't recall the last time I burned through three hundred pages in just a couple hours' time) and will keep the attention nicely. There's plenty of action to be had here and several nifty plot points, including the use of provoked downtrodden wildlife (the Tarizonian powers-that-be seem to care about as much for their flora and fauna as they do for their people) as a weapon. It's very clever, and highly engaging. ... getting a copy of Tarizon: The Liberator is a worthwhile move.

 ForeWord Magazine, Tarizon: The Liberator byTodd Mercer 12/0

 The Hero's Crossroads: That Fateful Moment of Decision

 Better young adult fiction eclipses old-hat conflicts of domestic disobedience and school strife. It forces heroes into agonizing choices, then spins out consequences with a wider range of outcomes than the last generation grew up expecting. One doesn’t have to be eighteen years old to have a lasting impact on others’ lives for good or ill, or to choose a permanent trajectory. That reality may not be fair, but savvy teen readers quickly discard idealistic fantasies.

Protagonist among these books wrestle with exploitation, imprisonment, and abandonment issues we wish teens would never have to face. They must commit to a side during wartime, without an obvious default position, and struggle to embrace their destinies. The teen years are composed of a seemingly endless series of exclusive choices, few of which are adequately addressed by small-minded public service announcements. 


Legends Yet Unsettled

William Manchee’s Tarizon: The Liberator (Book One of the Tarizon Trilogy) (Top Publications, 978-1-929976-48-5) follows a civil war between a malevolent totalitarian world government and a fairly benevolent totalitarian world government on a planet with a large minority of Earth émigrés. A Skywalker-ish figure thought to be the long prophesied savior is initially reluctant to take up his role protecting mutants, the gilled Seafolken, and a microscopic species of builders called Nanomites from the Purists’ genocidal plans. Tarizon is a planet nearly wiped out by ecological disaster, aggressively repopulating for survival. That means copulation is encouraged, but committed love isn’t possible—a policy among the Liberator’s allies which he challenges, even while fighting for his life.

Galley Call, Southern Independent Bookseller's Assn (SIBA)

The young adult science fiction audience will go for William Manchee’s Tarizon: The Liberator, the first book in his new trilogy.  It reminds me of the Star Wars series, Among the Hidden (Margaret Peterson Haddix), Dancing With An Alien (Mary Logue), and Ender’s Shadow (Orson Scott Card). 

Seventeen-year-old Peter Turner, of Palo Pinto, Texas, stumbles upon a secret. He discovers that his father is working on a government project with aliens from another planet. Peter is given two choices: death or exile to Tarizon. Peter does what every red-blooded, American seventeen-year-old would do; he opts for exile. Upon his arrival, he is pulled into a conflict that will eventually erupt into a civil war between the Loyalists (the good guys) and the Purists (bad guys). It just so happens that Peter’s arrival also coincides with the fulfillment of a prophecy about a Liberator who will appear upon the planet’s super-eclipse.

This book has everything a sci-fi fan could want: an alien world, mutants, conflict and civil war, spaceships, super-technology and chapters full of action! There is even romance for young Peter. The reader is pulled into the story, learning along with Peter the language, customs, food, technology and warfare practices of this alien culture. The vivid descriptions of the planet will feel as if readers are there assisting the earthling as he struggles with doing what he believes is morally right. There is a message here, which is oft repeated, a message of tolerance and hope. Manchee writes The Stan Turner Mysteries series, which feature Peter’s father.  These novels are in the unique genre of Legal Science Fiction.  Manchee is an attorney and practices in Dallas. 

Reviewed by Dylan James (age 12) for Reader Views Kids (8/08)

Tarizon: The Liberator comes with an incredible idea. What if there are aliens on earth? They look like humans except for one minor detail: they have gills. Sounds crazy enough, right? But it gets even crazier; the Government has known about this for decades and has never let the secret out. The aliens live in what was once a beautiful place, but is now polluted and dirtied from an atomic war. They come to earth and kidnap people to replenish their slowly healing planet. But the government on Tarizon, the alien's planet, is divided. There is a well known to be evil leader trying to become supreme chancellor, and then there are politicians, and most of the free planet on the good side. The good side is losing. The only hope they have lies in a mystic legend that The Liberator will come to Tarizon and help restore the government. There are two problems though: The Liberator is a teenager, and the bad guys know how to shoot. THIS COULD BE BAD, HUH?

Tarizon: The Liberator was great, appealing for all ages over thirteen and an exciting read even for adults. Parents should know that twelve should be the absolute minimum that reads this book do to some graphic sexual envisioning on the main character's part. What really appeals in the marketing sense is that I think parents will let their kids read this book at about the time the kids want to read this book. With some sexual situations and a good deal of comedy violence, I can just imagine this as a movie. The writing was very interesting, really making it seem like this is actually happening - that it's not just a story. That is by far my favorite thing of this book. I very rarely see a book that can draw me in this much. I have seen better books overall, but hardly any with as many attributes as 'Tarizon: The Liberator" by William Manchee to make people believe in its characters and hope that something happens; not just reading to see what happens.

'Review by Harriet Klausner Tarizon: The Liberator

On the planet Tarizon, several volcanoes erupted simultaneously; placing the world in darkness and affecting the ability to survive and even grow crops. Everything is aimed at survival so the people of Tarizon make a deal with the authorities in the United States. The will give America tech in exchange for mating with humans and producing healthy offspring. When teenage earthling Peter Turner discovers there are aliens amongst us, they kidnap him and send him to Tarizon to silence him. Many believe he is the prophesized Liberator who will appear from outside during a super eclipse, which occurs as he arrives.

 Peter learns his new home, still devastated by nature, is on the brink of a civil war that neither side can truly win. The Chancellor is incapacitated and Videl of the Purist Party takes his place. He and his followers oppose the Supreme Mandate that grants freedom and equality to sentient non-humans including mutants, the rhutz, the Nanomites and the Seafolken. Peter sides with Vidal's opponents the Loyalists who vow to uphold the Supreme Mandate to live free or die. Still, he is caught in a civil war between the Purists and the Loyalists as there is no room for compromise only death.

TARIZON: THE LIBERATOR targets the young adult science fiction audience, but older readers will enjoy the action-packed exciting thriller with a deep message of at least tolerance for all while preferable consensus. The vivid descriptions of the planet will feel as if fans are there assisting the earthling as he struggles with doing what he believes is morally right and taking part in the action and battles. William Manchee has created a fascinating world in trouble that anchors this exhilarating powerful morality tale.

Review of Tarizon: The Liberator, Midwest Book Review, Molly Martin

Lorin Boskie was a nervous young woman as she knocked on the door to her fathers office. This was the second urgent summons she had received this week. Her first question was, Where's Jake." Lorin's husband served as a fighter pilot in the Tarizonian global Army, TGA. Lorin had reason to fear for his safety.Councillor Garcia assured Lorin her husband's arrival was eminent. It is a troubling time on Tarizon, The Seafolken, the mutants, about 90% of the population believe in the Prophecy, and are awaiting liberation. Vice Chancellor Videl Lai, and his determined rise to power if successful will mean Lai will wield all but invincible power. The Liberator is to arrive from Earth to save the planet from a dictator. And from that beginning the reader begins a breathless rush, in which the fortunes of seventeen-year-old Peter Tuner, Texas dwelling son of Attorney Stan Turner and those of the Tarizon people will become enmeshed. On the pages of Cactus Island , Stan's son Peter was abducted by aliens when he unintentionally learned about their attendance here on Earth. Peter was certain that somehow his father, the CIA, who knows how many were involved. Young Turner was startled to learn his father was missing and set out to locate him, before he was able to do so, Peter found himself caught in a torrential downpour through which an eerie blue light shone, intensified and frightened Peter more than nearly anything he had ever before encountered. Peter's sudden abduction into a space craft, Earth Shuttle 21, brings him face to face with Lok, who is duty bound to be completely honest with Peter. A Treaty, that Peter had no idea existed between the United States and Tarizon; demands such. Peter will sleep out a year before his arrival at Tarizon, dreams, arrival, coming face to face with a fellow traveler, one Peter had thought was long dead back on earth, exiting the ship on a strange planet, assignment to temporary quarters and an assassins attack all serve to move the story forward. Life on Tarizon, growing friendship with Lucinda Dimitri who has been assigned to assist Peter as he becomes oriented to his new surroundings, learning new language, becoming aware of what his role in this strange new land will be, battles, danger and deceit carry the reader toward the closing paragraphs of Volume 1,Tarizon: The Liberator and will leave that reader anxiously awaiting Volume 2. Writer Manchee once again has proven his growing prowess as a writer. From the formidable body of works comprising his Stan Turner series; Manchee has turned in a very different direction with his exciting Tarizon trilogy. Characters are fresh, exciting, filled with vivacity. Dialog is fitting, often gritty, hard hitting potent. Storyline is attention-grabbing, engaging and out of the ordinary. Settings are nicely detailed, reader is drawn into the action, and interest is compelling from beginning to end. Plot twists, subterfuge, stratagem, and chicanery abound, heroes are heroic, and villains are down right vicious.

Manchee has shown past proficiency for writing mysteries, he is proving adroit in this fantasy/sci fi genre as well. While Tarizon: The Liberator is listed as a spin-off of the Stan Turner Mystery series it is a book which can be read and understood without going back and reading the Mysteries. Although, I am a fan of the mysteries and suggest that if you have never read Manchee before; consider availing yourself of the mystery series as well. Answers to questions posed in Cactus Island and Act Normal regarding Peter and Tarizon are being made known in the Tarizon Trilogy. Exciting series, exciting book. Enjoyed the read, happy to recommend.

MyShelf.com by Janie Franz April 2008 Review of Act Normal

Though this is the eighth in the Stan Turner mystery series, elements of science fiction have pervaded this book and its  or. It has spurred William Manchee on to the writing of a science fiction trilogy, which will be out later this year. William Manchee is a successful Texas attorney who turned to writing mysteries several years ago, just for fun. He has been a prolific author who gives his readers an insider's look behind the doors of the small law firm of Turner & Waters (Stan Turner and Paula Waters). The work isn't glamorous, but it definitely is exciting, especially since Turner started working for the CIA and their clandestine mission with the Tarizons, a race of beings from outer space. The CIA has brokered a deal to trade Earth's children for technology, and Stan's son is on the Tarizon homeworld going to school. In Act Normal, Turner and his partner handle two murder cases, one of which may be tied to the Tarizons. In addition, Stan takes on the bankruptcy case of two of his good friends that soon is complicated by accusations of embezzlement and fraud. He is aided by an exotic Tarizon woman named Tehra, who acts as his legal intern. Through Tehra, Turner learns of an alien civil war brewing on the Tarizon home world and how his son may be involved.

The legal details are interesting, especially the legwork that both lawyers have to do as well as the inner workings of three trials. Of course, the alien angle is fascinating and surprisingly plausible. But what I found equally intriguing was the believability that an embezzler was able to generate around his twists of the truth. I felt hopeless that Turner and Tehra would be able to help his friends untangle the lies from the truth. That's the reality of law (or life, for that matter). Unless there is incontrovertible proof to the contrary, sometimes it is a matter of how the truth is shaped by the speaker.

This is my first experience reading a Stan Turner mystery. I found the writing believable and the characters fascinating. But I did, however, have trouble with the changing points of view. I am accustomed to reading books where the point of view alternated between two people, changing with each new chapter. Manchee, though, has chosen to write in first person, which makes it doubly difficult to drop the necessary clues to the point of view changes. I did catch on after the first three or four chapters and was able to prepare myself for the new voice speaking to me. I think alternating points of view, especially with a legal partnership like Turner & Waters have, makes the storytelling richer because the reader finds out more details from each partner. It also is a great tool for building tension.

Bravo, William Manchee! I look forward to finding out more about Tarizon in your forthcoming science fiction trilogy and also in finding out what Turner and Waters will do in their next mystery.