Top Publications 1999

Trade Paperback ISBN 0-9666366-2-7

Hardback ISBN 0-9666366-3-5

Richard Coleman, has made partner in his law firm in record time. Despite his success there is little joy in his life having recently lost his wife in a tragic car accident. It's been a year now and he's tried to adjust to the loneliness and emptiness in his life with little success. Then he meets Erica Fox, the seventeen year old daughter of a high roller, Franklin Fox. Mr. Fox is divorced and needs someone to be trustee over Erica's affairs should he die. After eliminating all potential candidates for the job, Rich ends up being recruited for the task. When Franklin dies, Rich assumes his duties but soon is drawn into an illicit affair. When they are discovered by a meddlesome aunt she threatens to blow the whistle on them and have Rich thrown in jail. When she is later found dead the two lovers are prime suspects. Eventually Erica is charged with the murder but Rich knows she didn't do it, and sets out to prove it. What he doesn't realize is how perilous the search for the truth will be. . . .

What Readers are saying about Death Pact

  • Dana, a 27 year old lawyer from Dallas, A heart warming thriller. It was the most outstanding suspense romance I have ever read. She was a true women and it was fun to read all the law jargon. I couldn't put it down. Read it, you will go nuts. I even intend to let my husband and six year old (when she gets older) read it. They might learn something.

  • Blanche from Milwaukee, Wisconsin - What a wonderful book! William Manchee has written such a good book. Not only does he surprise the heck out of me with the ending, but he keeps you hooked with every page. His plots are fresh, the characters very unique, and his words seem to paint the pictures in my head. Move over Grisham and Turow, there is a new face in town... William Manchee!

  • Althea Zamzow - Fond du Lac, Wisconsin I couldn’t put it down. My husband, in his desperation to buy me a birthday present, was in Waldenbooks in Forest Mall, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, on the day you were in there to autograph your book. He made a purchase, hoping I would enjoy it. I am happy to say I thoroughly enjoyed your book. I found it well-written and enjoyable, and once I started it, I could not put it down until I finished it.

  • A reader from Texas - Fun, interesting read that keeps you guessing. I found Death Pact to be a captivating read. Manchee takes the reader down a path of twists and turns that are totally unexpected and tops it off with an ending no one will guess!

  • Kelli Johnston, Texarkana, Texas- Dear Mr. Manchee: I met you in Jacksonville, Arkansas when you had a book signing there, I bought one (Death Pact) that you signed for my mother who had had surgery. She read it and loved it! I am about to start reading it, as the book club I belong to is going to read it for review on November the 9th. I just hope we can get the five books that Books-a-Million said they could get for us. Take care!